Dad's Barn

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Here are the pictures of Dad's barn being built during 2002, starting with the truss delivery in early August through the "completion" on October 2nd...

Dad's Barn Raising

The trusses in the front yard after delivery. The view from the front yard of the poles.
The piles of lumber ready to be used. The poles in the ground.
Another view of the poles in the ground. Dad figuring out what to do next.
Dad walking in front of the barn. Tyler standing by the pile of lumber.
The barn with the truss carriers installed. The end trusses assembled.
The crane lifting the first truss into position. Another truss being lifted into place.
Another truss being lifted into place. All of the trusses up.
The final nail being driven into the trusses. Getting ready to install the roof decking.
The view of the upstairs from the first floor. The next step being planned.
Working on the upstairs. Putting on the decking on the flat part of the roof.

Please click here for page two of the photos



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