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Here are some pictures of our trip to Groveland Oaks in July of 2003...

July 10th & 11th, 2003

Terry, Tyler, Skyler, Tara, Gary, & Sam roasting marshmallows. Terry, Tyler, & Skyler roasting marshmallows.
Everybody mentioned above plus Beulah and Steve enjoying the campfire. Terry, Tyler, Skyler, Tara, Gary, & Sam roasting marshmallows again.
Beulah coming out of the camper to join us. Everyone enjoying the evening.
Sam riding her bike (and yes, it was that cold in July). Skyler, Tyler, and Sam playing at the campground.
The camper at the campground. Another photo of the camper.
The front of the camper. The side of the camper.
Tara playing with Sam and Skyler. Tyler fell asleep in bed with Grandma Terry.
Skyler and Sam asleep in their bed.


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