Field Trip

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Here are some pictures from the fieldtrip that the kids took with their daycare group...

Daycare Fieldtrip

Rodney and Tyler on the hay ride. Skyler on the wagon.
John and Pam with the kids on the wagon. Getting ready for a wagon ride.
Waiting to go on the ride. Getting donuts and cider ready for the kids.
Donovan waiting for his donut and cider. The kids all waiting for their food.
Eating their donuts and cider. Donovan after eating.
The goat on top of the barn. Samantha and Donovan looking at the sheep.
The kids playing on the "train". Pam and Tara walking across the poles.
Tyler poking out of a train car. Sam driving the train.
Donovan riding a tractor. Donovan on the tractor with Tyler giving him a push.
Brittany and Sam driving the train. Tyler poking his head up in the hay maze.

Please click here for page two of the photos



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