July 5th

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Today we went to Colonial Michilimackinac to see the fort. Tyler really wanted to see them fire the cannons, and we got to do that here. After we got back from the fort, we went for a bike ride with the kids, ate, and then went down to the waterfront to see the fireworks from St. Ignace.

July 5th

This is the view of the bridge from the entrance to Colonial Michilimackinac. Tyler with his arm inside a cannon at the visitors center.
Samantha with the cannon. Tara with the cannon.
Tyler in front of a fur trader's tent. Another picture of the bridge, from the other side of the fort entrance.
Terry, Tara, and Gary walking near the fort. The inside of the commanding officers house inside the fort.
Another room inside the commanding officers house inside the fort. The interior of the church.
The inside of the priests house. The priests cellar entrance.
The exterior of a rowhouse. Tyler and Sam in the military latrine.
A soldier getting ready to fire his muzzle loader. The soldier firing his weapon.
A view of the soldiers quarters inside the fort. Another view of the soldiers quarters.
Tyler, Tara, Sam, and Rodney posing as a period family. Tyler dressed as a British soldier.

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