Bay City - October - Page 2

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October 8th - Halloween Festivities (continued)

Tyler, Cassie, Drew, Rodney, Emma, Kris, Jeff, Thomas, & Ellie dressed for Halloween (or holding kids dressed for Halloween). Drew, Rodney, and Tyler in their costumes.
A close-up of Drew, Rodney, & Tyler. One of the decorated campsites.
our more well decorated campsites. We wondered how these people could haul all of this stuff with them.
Mike, Cassie, Adam, Tyler, and Ellie getting some candy. Another highly decorated campsite.

October 8th - Nighttime Pictures

Our campsite lit up at night. Our group hanging out at the campfire.
Several of the nicely decorated campsites lit up at night.
One more campsite. Adam, Jeff, Becky, and Tara at the campfire.


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