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During Deckerville's Homecoming weekend, we typically follow the same routine each year. Friday is the truck and tractor pull at Wilson Park (which my parents took Tyler to this year, as Tara & Sam had a party to attend, and I had to work). Saturday we attend the parade and car show, and sometimes we go back to Wilson Park to check out the activities there. We skipped that part this year. Instead we went back to camper and then out to dinner. You can read about all of our activities for the weekend in our Diary.

Homecoming Parade

Samantha & Drew waiting for the parade to begin. Sam, Terry, Tyler, Drew, & Tara talking and waiting.
My Uncle David walking with the color guard in the parade. My Aunt Karen riding on the tailgate for during the parade.
The big tractors were Tyler's favorite part of the parade (aside from the candy that was thrown to us, of course).
The Ferris Wheel was Sam's favorite. The "Bean Queen" (from Sandusky, I believe) rode on this car.
This is the truck driving job that my Aunt Sherry (from Florida) wanted Tim to take so they could move back to Michigan!

After dinner we went to White Rock Roadside Park to take some pictures.

White Rock Roadside Park

The roadside sign indicating the park. A plaque describing the park.
Informational plaques mounted in the park.
Drew urging me to come enjoy the sand. Drew on a tree stump.
Another picture of Drew. Sam on the tree stump.
Tyler taking his turn on the downed tree.

Please click here for page two of the photos



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