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    The official start of the baseball season kicked off on May 5th. The league held a parade downtown, which was followed up by pictures. Because we had soccer games early this morning, we were unable to make it for the parade. We did arrive in time to get pictures taken, however.

    Sam's T-Ball team was first up. She wears #3 for the Dryer Funeral Home team. They have green uniforms.

Samantha - May 5th

Samantha's individual pictures.
The team photo, with Sam on the bottom left.

    Tyler's Coach-Pitch team closely followed Sam's team. I wasn't quick enough with the camera (or his bat), so I only have one individual picture for him. Tyler wears #2 for the AAA Service Network team. His uniforms are also green (go figure!).

Tyler - May 5th

Tyler's individual photo. The team picture. Tyler is the second player from the left in the back row.

    The season has officially started, as both of the kids have played games now. Since they occur during the week, I am at work while the kids play. Tara will do her best to take pictures, but with three other kids to worry about as well this may not happen all of the time. In fact, the camera was forgotten for Sam's first game - so no pictures of that.

    Tyler had his first game in a coach pitch league on Tuesday, May 8th. He struck out twice, but got a hit in his last at-bat and also scored one run (by sliding into home to avoid a tag). His team won the game 13-6. He played two innings as catcher, two as shortstop, and two in left field. Just for a reminder, Tyler's team wears the green uniforms, and his number is 2.

Tyler - May 8th

Tyler playing catcher early in the game. Tyler swinging and missing for a strike.
Tyler fielding the ball behind home plate. Tyler in the field at shortstop.
Tyler running to first base after his hit. Tyler coming to the bench after sliding into home and scoring a run.

    Well, the process of getting pictures taken has proven difficult, as Tara has been "volunteered" into helping the coaches out at the games (especially Tyler's, where she apparently has become the official score keeper). She did manage to get some pictures of Samantha's game on the 14th. Just as a reminder, Sam's team wears green uniforms, and her number is 3 (although you can't see it in any of these pictures anyway).

Samantha - May 14th

Samantha playing catcher. Sam ready for the ball to come her way.
Sam ready to put the ball on the tee. Sam running to first base after a hit.
Sam playing in the field (even though she forgot her hat).

Please click here for page two of the photos



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