Bay City

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    We went back to Bay City once again for a weekend of Halloween camping with our friends Jeff & Becky and Mike & Kris. To read about all of our happenings over the entire weekend, check out my Diary.

    Saturday is the busy day, full of activities such as pumpkin painting, cookie decorating, seed spitting, and the big event - trick-or-treating around the campground. First up for us was pumpkin painting...

Children's Activities - October 6th

Tara, Drew, Tyler, & Samantha working on their pumpkins. Sam concentrating on her design.
Sam and Tyler working on their painting. Tara helping Drew paint his pumpkin.

    After returning from the pumpkin painting, we spent some time in the afternoon hanging around the campsite relaxing...

Campsite Relaxation - October 6th

A view of our campsite - our camper is on the left, Mike & Kris in the middle, and Jeff & Becky on the right. A closer view of our fifth-wheel all set up.
This leg was in the door all weekend - and got lots of laughs on the drive home. A closer look at Mike & Kris's camper.
Jeff & Mike playing ladder golf. Mike won this game, and then promptly kicked my butt as well.
Tinkerbell hanging around outside.

    Finally, the main event: Trick-or-Treating around the campground...

Trick-or-Treating - October 6th

Jeff pulling Andrew, while Tom & Tyler walk along. Samantha is there too, behind the big furry kid that cut in front of us. This was probably the coolest campsite this year. The tent on the left handed out tattoos. This "grill" handed out candy.
This was the right side of the "grill", a "garage". They also handed out candy. Tyler (in bones), Sam (in the black gown), Jeff, and Tom getting some candy.
Sam, Drew, Tom, and Tyler trick-or-treating. The "Butt Tree" got a thong this year.
Tyler laying in front of our decorations. A closer picture of our decorations.
Callie, Tyler, Cassie, and Sam hanging out after the trick-or-treating was over.

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