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    We attempted to stay at the Caseville County park last summer, and were unable to secure reservations. We learned how the process worked, and got two sites for this summer. You can read about our activities while we were camping and about my thoughts on the parks by reading the Diary, located here.

    We arrived at the park on June 30th, and shortly after our arrival we wandered over to the beach to watch the fireworks display.

June 30th - Caseville County Park

Tyler and Samantha waiting for the fireworks show to begin. I thought this was an interesting picture of the fireworks.
A couple of more pictures of the fireworks show.
A final firework photo. Sam and Tyler near their sand pile.

    On July 1st we went to Port Hope trying to attend a car show, but we arrived too late. We did manage to watch the end of their parade, and wandered through a few antique shops.

July 1st - Port Hope

The was the "Sanford House" in Port Hope. I wrote about the story that we were told about this particular house in my diary.

    After the trip to Port Hope, we returned to the campground, where I took some pictures of our campsites and attempted to get a sunset photo - without much success.

July 1st - Caseville County Park

Dad & Mom's fifth-wheel. Both of our campsites and campers.
Another picture of our campers. The best sunset picture I could manage.

    We went to the beach for the first time on the 3rd of July. Although it wasn't the warmest day we had, the kids enjoyed themselves regardless.

July 3rd - Caseville County Park

Gary taking Drew for a walk to the water, with Marissa watches them. Drew walking back to our resting area.
Tyler, Samantha, Donovan, and Marissa working on a "sandcastle". Drew wandering around the sand once again.
Drew, Gary, and Marissa walking in the water.
Tyler and Donovan working on their "sandcastle". Donovan, Gary, Drew, and Marissa in the water.

Please click here for page two of the photos



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