Peters Family

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    After finishing up at home on Christmas morning, we headed over to my parents house to eat dinner and to open presents afterwards. Please enjoy these photos from that afternoon...

Peters Family Christmas

Tyler playing his new Nintendo DS while Donovan watches him. Marissa, Samantha, and Drew playing while Tara looks on.
Sam, Marissa, Tyler, and Donovan show off their new calendars. Drew and Tyler posing together.
Sam excited by some new clothes while Marissa checks out her present. Terry watching Sam, Marissa, and Drew with their gifts.
Gary with the new football Tyler gave him. Marissa and Sam with their presents.
Marissa, Drew, Tyler, and Donovan with another present. Marissa, Sam, Tyler, Donovan, and Drew getting ready to open one more.
Sam, Tyler, and Donovan opening their gifts. Tyler with his new remote control truck.
Drew looking at one of his gifts. Sam, Tyler, Drew, Marissa, and Donovan opening their stocking gifts.

    Tara also used our other camera here too. Enjoy these pictures as well...

Peters Family Christmas

Tara's foot watching Sam and Marissa with their presents. Marissa, Drew, Tyler, and Donovan opening a gift.
Drew opening while Tyler shows off his new Michigan jersey. Gary and Tyler with the football Tyler bought at the school Secret Santa.
Drew and Tyler opening another present. Sam showing off her new coloring book.

Please click here for page two of the photos



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