Crossroads Village

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    On Sunday, October 21st we all went to Crossroads Village, where we met up with Gail & Jerry (thanks for buying the tickets!), who also brought along Skyler (Xaiver was at home with a broken leg) and Gil, Adam, Veronica, & Lilly. We spent the afternoon going from building to building getting candy. We also got cider and donuts, and went into the theater to watch a magic show. Tyler even got to participate in the show - he had his shoe melted on stage. We also took a train ride through the park. Samantha & I got to spend some time in the First Aid building, after she was stung by a bee inside her lip while eating an apple. Other than that little bit of bad luck, everyone had a good time. The weather was almost too nice, as there were very large crowds today.

Halloween at Crossroads Village

Jayden in the stroller dressed up as a skunk. Samantha in her Grim Reaper costume.
Tyler, Adam, Skyler, and Sam playing around before going inside. Skyler, Veronica, Adam, Lillie, Drew, Tyler, & Sam sitting on some logs.
Gail, Skyler, Veronica, Adam, Lillie, Drew, Tyler, & Sam sitting on the logs. Skyler, Sam, and Adam on the train ride.
Adam, Gil, and Tyler on the train (sorry for the darkness).


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