January 21st

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    The big day... Today was the reason for our trip. Grandma's surprise 80th birthday party. Everything went very well. Enjoy the pictures!

Great-Grandma Parrott's 80th Birthday Party.

Grandma talking at her party. Connie (holding Logan) talking to Rita (I know her as a neighbor from the cottage).
Kathy talking to Karen and Meghan. A group of family and friends sharing stories.
The birthday cake. The three birthday girls: Bonnie, Beulah, and Edna.
Terry and Drew in Drew's favorite new toy - a golf cart. Timmy pushing Sherry around (she recently had ankle surgery).
Tyler and Samantha playing beach volleyball.
Meghan, Karen, Tim, Justin, Gina, and Chris all trying to enjoy their meal in the sunshine. Timmy coming back with some dessert.
Julie, Tara, and Terry talking over dinner. Tyler and Dana at the dinner table.
Grandma coming back from the cake table. Steve, Denny, Dan, Shelly, Lois, and Dick talking.
Connie, Ann, and Ann's Mom (in green). A picture of the entire party group.
Gary helping Drew to a piece of cake. Peb, Dory, and Rita - some of Grandma's many friends.

Please click here for page two of the photos



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