Tyler's Birthday

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    Well, we finally got around to holding Tyler's family birthday party on August 26th (he got to have a couple friends over to see a movie and spend the night the weekend prior). Here are a few of the pictures taken that day...

Tyler's Birthday Party

Tyler's cake before the party. Lilly swinging while Gil pushes her.
Adam, Samantha, Xaiver, Donovan, Veronica, and Skyler playing in the jungle.
Drew running in the grass. Veronica watching Tyler open a present.
Tyler showing off his new Bulldog Webkinz doll from Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry, which he has named CoCo.
Veronica opening one of her presents. Tyler opening a card.
Tyler reading his birthday card. Veronica opening another present.
Tyler opening another card. Lilly and Adam watching Veronica.
Tyler holding up his new shirt from Great-Grandma Beulah and Uncle Steve. Tyler opening a card with money from Grandpa Jerry & Grandma Gail (he later bought Heely's with the money).
Veronica, Noell, Lilly, Gail, and Jerry watching the gift opening. Tyler reading another card while Tara holds up the gift card from Great-Grandpa William.
A couple pictures of the family at the birthday party.
Veronica and Tyler waiting to be sung to. Drew waiting for his piece of cake!
Sam having her picture taken. Veronica and Tyler finally being sung to.


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