July 7th

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    Today we headed to see Croswell's Swinging Bridge. Except for a brief downpour while we were at the playground, we had fun on the bridge and at the park.

Croswell's Swinging Bridge

The sign describing the history of the bridge. Random strangers on the bridge. This is the side we parked on.
Marissa and Donovan at the end of the bridge. Tyler, Jayden, Samantha, and Drew on the bridge.
Donovan, Marissa, Tyler, Jay, Drew, and Sam. Jay was throwing a fit in the pictures and decided to walk out on the shoot - typical Hollywood diva.
One more of Donovan, Marissa, Tyler, Sam, and Drew. Donovan and Tyler were the only two kids brave enough to walk to the middle to have their picture taken.
A view of the bridge from the park side of the river. Sam going down the slide.
Tyler taking his turn on the slide. Drew climbing up the climbing wall on the play structure.
Marissa trying to slide down the spiral thing. Jay in the swing with Tara pushing her.
Marissa, Tyler, Jay, Donovan, Rodney (crazy old man!), and Sam on the swings. The kids version of the swinging bridge. Notice the difference in the signs?
Jay coming down the slide. Donovan, Tyler, Marissa, and Sam on top of the plaything prior to the rain came.


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