September 5th - Page 2

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    Here are some more pictures from our post-dinner walk along the trails inside the park...

Straits State Park

I wanted to title this photo "Stairway to Heaven", but since I took it from the top and not the bottom, I guess it should be the stairway to... the other place. These are the stairs that lead from the trail that we walked on to the observation area.

Drew and Jayden standing by the steep drop sign with the Mackinac Bridge in the background.

Drew and Jay posing nicely for a picture...

...and following that up with the obligatory silly pose.

The view of the Mackinac Bridge from the location of the pictures of Drew and Jay posted above.

Drew and Jayden sitting on a tree with several of the curved branches (in this case they are practically trunks).

    Once darkness came, we drove into St. Ignace to see the fireworks that they have every Saturday (although this was their last ones for the year).

St. Ignace Fireworks

Not much to say about these pictures, other than... fireworks.

More fireworks.

Still more fireworks.

And a final fireworks picture.


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