Drew's Birthday

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    On Saturday, January 24th, we celebrated Drew's fourth birthday with family and friends. In between our pizza dinner, Drew's Diego cake, and lots of presents the kids kept themselves busy playing "Rock Band 2" as well as other games. All in all we had a great day, and would like to thank everyone who made it possible for Drew!

Drew's Fourth Birthday Party

Tyler, Donovan, Adam, Samantha, and Veronica all rocking out to Rock Band on the Wii.

Drew, Lilly, Thomas, Andrew, and Veronica playing with some toys in the basement (and not one of them is fighting over any of the toys!).

Tara reading a card to Drew.

Drew holding up the present given to him by Gil, Noell, Adam, Veronica, and Lilly.

Tara waiting for Drew to pull his present out of the bag (and Lilly in the way while watching).

Tara and Drew holding up the doctor and fireman dress up clothes given to him by Grandpa Jerry & Grandma Gail.

Drew checking out the new Cars DVD game he got from Dwayne, Erica, Donovan, and Marissa.

Drew smiling while waiting for his next present.

Drew preparing to open up a card.

Drew with the card that Tara & I gave him.

Drew with the new piece of GeoTrax that Tara & I gave him.

Tara reading Drew the card from Great-Grandpa Hardy's present.

Ever wonder what happens when 5 of our brightest minds put their heads together to work on something? Guess we'll never know. In this case, Tara, Donovan, Adam, Drew, and Thomas are looking at a present.

Drew holding up a Cars carrying case from Great-Grandpa Hardy.

Drew trying to rip the card off the box from Jeff, Becky, Thomas, and Andrew.

Drew opening the card while Tara waits to read it to him.

Veronica, Thomas, Andrew, Becky, and Marissa watch as Tyler, Adam, and Donovan overwhelm Tara and Drew.

Thomas, Andrew, Becky, Jeff, and Sam watching Drew open his gifts.

Drew waiting to open his card after Tara finishes reading the front to him.

Drew checking out the cool pop-out card from Jeff, Becky, Thomas, and Andrew.

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