Fall Fun

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    Since the kids sporting activities have more or less come to an end for the season (Samantha does have one more flag football game to play) and the weather was fairly mild, the kids decided to take advantage of the day and head outside to do some playing. They stuck upon an idea while there: Get out the rakes (they managed to find one for each of them) and put the leaves into a pile to play in. They spent most of their time burying each other in it, but they also jumped into it a few times as well. It was getting a little too dark outside at this time of day to take pictures (not that it was a bright day anyway), plus they were taken from a little bit of a distance, so I apologize that they are not all top quality. Try to enjoy them anyway - the kids certainly had fun when they were being taken!

Back Yard Fall Fun

Jayden, Tyler, Drew, and Samantha in the pile of leaves that they raked.

Jay, Tyler, Drew, and Sam sitting in the leaves once again.

Jay picking leaves out of her hair.

Drew with his rake, ready to add more leaves to the pile.

Tyler jumping into the pile while Jay, Drew, and Sam watch.

Sam taking her turn jumping into the leave pile.

Jay watching Drew jump in the leaves.

Jay laughing at everybody else jumping into the pile.

Tyler, Drew, and Jayden playing in the leaves.

Touchdown! Ok, so this probably isn't what Drew was going for here, but it sure looks like what he was signaling... That, or Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto (Domo, Domo)...

Jay and Drew making sure that Tyler is fully buried in the leaves. He still has his hand sticking up, guys!

Jay and Drew burying Tyler deeper in the leaves.

Sam with the rake, ready to add to the leaf pile, while Jayden is checking out how big it already has gotten.

Jay, Drew, and Tyler's arm playing in the leaves.

Even Tinkerbell got in on the fun, running around like a... well, a dog possessed (sorry - it is close to Halloween, and look at those eyes)!

Tyler, Sam, and Jay readying the pile for some more action.


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