First Day of School

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With the passing of Labor Day comes the beginning of another school year. This year Tyler moved into the fifth grade and Samantha is in third grade. On September 8th Tara drove the kids to school on their first day to help them carry their supplies into their respective classrooms. By now the kids know several people who are in their classes, which helps to make the start of a new school year slightly easier. Thank you Tara for taking these pictures for me!

First Day of School - September 8th, 2009

Samantha and Tyler together on their first day of school.

Another picture of Sam and Tyler.

One more picture of Sam and Tyler - come on Tyler, smile!

Finally a smirk out of Sammy and Tyler.

Although Sam is looking down in this picture, Tyler actually smiled here so it had to be included.

One more picture of Sam and Tyler.

Although this one is a little blurry; Sam, Jayden, and Tyler are all smiling so it was included as well.


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