June 2nd - Page 3

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    Outside of Fort Mackinac is the Missionary Bark Chapel. We stopped to look inside on our way to lunch from the fort.

Missionary Bark Chapel

Danny and Tyler inside the chapel.

A closer look at Danny and Tyler inside the chapel.

The exterior of the Missionary Bark Chapel.

This is the view down Market Street from the chapel.

    When we left Fort Mackinac we headed into town to look for "Fred's". Fred's Deli & Café was the restaurant that we were given certificates to eat lunch at today. It was very hectic inside the restaurant, as Holly Elementary was finishing eating their lunches as our school began to arrive. I think that this may be a decent place to eat when they are not trying to feed 100 people at the same time, but I wasn't too impressed based on this experience.

Lunch At Fred's Deli & Café

The dining room of the restaurant was full of people who were either waiting to order or looking for a place to sit and eat.

The counter area was jammed full of people waiting to place their order or get their food.

    After eating we rented bikes with a mission to find "The Crack". We didn't really know what it was we were looking for, but the teachers had told the kids about it at school and they talked about it with Tara, who got it in her head that it was something that we absolutely had to find. After finding it, I am not sure that it was worth all of the effort to get there. We got a little lost on the way, so it took us much longer to get there than it should have and it required a lot more work than the correct route would have. All in all our bike ride took us just under two hours to complete (and cost me a lot of money). I would love to ride on the island again, but I think it would be much cheaper to take my own bike across on the ferry.

Bike Ride To "The Crack"

This picture was taken while riding our bikes outside the west end of town.

Tyler was riding the bike on the left (on the wrong side of the road, go figure!) while the rest of his friends were riding alongside him.

The Mackinac Bridge as viewed from the island.

Tyler standing along the shore with the Mackinac Bridge in the background.

A closer shot of Tyler in front of the bridge.

This rock formation along the road was known as "Devil's Kitchen".

A picture of the island as we rode along looking for the route to the crack in the island.

Tyler (in the blue shirt and hat) riding along the road.

At this point we were riding along with no clue where we were going. We were riding by a golf course but couldn't find the trail we thought we were supposed to be looking for.

We were finally on the right trail! Just a little further...

Success! This was the infamous "Crack" that we had been searching for. Here are the boys standing inside it.

Left to right are Danny, Thomas, Hayden, Tyler, Max, and David.

Another picture of the boys standing inside of the crack in the island.

Tyler climbed up partway on the wall of the crack for this picture.

Here is Tyler standing inside the crack.

This is the Mackinac Island airport, which was located very close to the crack.

Danny and Tyler standing by the Crack-in-the-Island Trail sign.

These swans were swimming near the shore while we were riding our bikes.

A closer picture of the swans and their young offspring.

Tyler and David checking out the rocks on the shore.

Please click here for page four of the photos


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