June 2nd - Page 5

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    More pictures from our boat ride under the Mackinac Bridge...

Mackinac Bridge Boat Ride

One of the bridge support towers as seen from the side.

The American flag flying off the back of the ferry as it passed around the Mackinac Bridge.

The bottom of the Mackinac Bridge.

The sun setting over Lake Michigan.

A doorway on one of the supports under the bridge.

A wider picture of the doorway location.

Tyler sitting between his friends Thomas and Hayden at the front of the boat after heading downstairs.

Thomas, Tyler, and Hayden in the window seat (that was actually a step to get outside and tie the boat to the dock, but it made for a good viewpoint).

The Grand Hotel during our return trip to the island.

The Round Island Lighthouse.

After returning to the Island but before heading inside for the night, the boys wanted to walk to Marquette Park to see if any of their classmates were there playing football or Frisbee (they had been earlier in the day). While we didn't find what we were looking for, we did spot this young amorous couple laying in the grass, slightly oblivious to their surroundings. It was about that time that we decided it was time to head back to the hotel. We also had another weird sighting on our walk back, but I didn't get any pictures of that. To read about, though, check out the diary.

Marquette Park

This young couple prompted Danny to holler "Get a room" as we began our walk back to the hotel.

    Once we returned to the Island House, we took a picture of Tyler and Danny on the hotel porch with some of their other classmates.

Island House Porch

Tyler, Danny, Heather, Hayley, Mackenzie, and Elizabeth sitting (or getting up) in the rocking chairs on the porch.

Tyler, Danny, Heather Hayley, Elizabeth, and Mackenzie leaning on the porch railing.


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