Tyler's Pictures - Page 2

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    More pictures from Day two of our trip...

Tuesday, June 2nd

This is the Mackinac Island school building. This years graduating class consisted of 6 boys and 4 girls.

Here we are approaching the Grand Hotel.

What trip to Mackinac Island would be complete in the eyes of a 4th grade boy without the obligatory picture of horse poop in the road?

In addition to people going around picking up the horse poop (how do you get stuck with that job?), Mackinac Island also uses this horse-drawn street sweeper to keep it roadways clean.

Another carriage passing us by. This group was way more into the crazy hat craze than ours was.

This was a dog Tyler spotted outside our first carriage stop.

The dog didn't seem too afraid of the horses. This picture was taken from inside the carriage, while it was still moving.

Back at the hotel, Tyler took this picture of Danny and Thomas, two of his classmates.

Today's last picture was of Ms. Raymore. Tyler needed to have a picture of a teacher in the hotel lobby for his homework.

    Wednesday was our last day of the trip, and Tyler didn't get out the camera until he got bored on the bus ride home.

Wednesday, June 3rd

Tyler was really digging the pattern on the bus seats. It was also on the ceiling.

Tyler's friend Hayden was showing off his new "style".

Crazy hats (and louvered sunglasses) weren't completely absent from our trip, as this picture of Luke shows.

Tyler, self portrait style.

Tyler's teacher Mr. Miller managed to take a nap on the ride home - tough to imagine considering the volume level of the kids on the bus. Must have been noise-cancelling headphones...

A closer look at a sleeping Mr. Miller.

Tyler's friend John on the bus ride home.

More cool sunglasses, this time sported by Cason.

Tyler's basketball teammate Payton, looking mighty wore out from a long three day trip.


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