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    Here are some more of our pictures from lunch...


Tyler spreading the pepperoni around on his pizza.

Drew spreading more cheese around.

Tyler, after rearranging his pepperoni, with his finished smiley faced pizza.

Drew putting the pepperoni on his pizza.

Sam getting started on her pizza (she was with Tara looking for a menu when the boys got started).

Sammy spreading the cheese around.

Drew writing his name on a piece of paper (each of the kids had to do this so that they got the right pizza back).

Drew wrote his whole name by himself. We were both surprised and proud at what he did.

Sam with her finished pizza.

Tyler enjoying the fruits (or pizza) of his labor.

Sam eating her pizza (although not happy to have her picture taken doing so).

Drew eating his pizza.

Tyler and Sam enjoying the cookie that we had for dessert.

Drew eating his piece of cookie (with the entire plate of cookie in front of him).

Another picture of Sam with her cookie.

The exterior of PizzaPapolis.

    And now some pictures from our walk back to the People Mover station...


A view looking down Monroe Street in Greektown, across from PizzaPapolis.

Another view looking down Monroe Street, with PizzaPapolis on the left and the Greektown Casino Hotel (blue) in the background)

A closer look at the Greektown Casino Hotel.

The General Motors world headquarters (for however long that lasts, anyway).

Please click here for page three of the photos


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