League Banquet

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    Upon the completion of the season, and I mean almost literally when the season ended - we weren't told of the banquet until the day before the final game, and the banquet was only two days following the game on November 2nd - the Upward football league held a banquet to honor the players and coaches. The evening started with a slideshow of pictures from throughout the season, and this was followed by a game of "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" played by some of the players and their parents. Each team was then brought onto the stage to gather with their coach, or coaches, before being given their award. Instead of a trophy, each player was given an Upward backpack, and Samantha seemed happy with that outcome. The evening wound up with refreshments. I was able to take a couple of pictures of Sam's team before they were ushered off the stage.

Upward Banquet

Samantha's team gathered on the stage. Sam is number 41, standing second from the left of the picture.

A closer look at Sam, her coach, and her only female teammate, Marshall.


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