Samantha's Parties

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    I really didn't want to do this, but I really couldn't come up with a way to separate the two events that Samantha was celebrating today. Yesterday, June 6th, was Sam's 8th birthday. We celebrated by going to her baseball practice, her soccer game, and then coming home to clean. Today we went to church for her First Communion, then came home to celebrate that glorious occasion as well as her birthday with our family. Sorry for doing that to you Sammy! We are so proud of your accomplishments.

Samantha's First Communion & Eighth Birthday Party

Samantha standing in front of the altar prior to the ceremony.

Another picture of Sam in front of the altar (no flash in this photo, which explains the weird color).

Samantha with her friends Calvin (left) and Collin (right).

Another picture of Sam sitting with her friends.

Calvin, Sammy, and Collin standing together prior to the ceremony.

Sam listening to another communicant after the ceremony was completed.

Samantha standing with Father Dave.

One attempt at a family photo indoors - Tara, Tyler, Jayden, Samantha, Rodney, and Drew.

After the completion of the activities inside we headed outside to take a few pictures. Here Sam and Calvin are standing together.

Another picture of Sam and Calvin (what their mother's have taken to calling a very early "engagement picture").

Sam standing by herself outside the church.

Sam standing with her cousin Marissa.

More attempts at a decent family picture. From left: Rodney, Drew, Jayden, Samantha, Tara, and Tyler.

Another try at a nice family picture.

A photo of the grandchildren in attendance today: Drew, Jayden, Samantha, Marissa, Tyler, and Donovan.

Samantha reading a card from her first present.

Sam showing off the picture frame from Great-Grandpa Hardy.

Sam checking out another present...

...which turned out to be a shirt from her Uncle Dwayne, Aunt Erica, Donovan, and Marissa. It also included...

...a matching pair of shorts.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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