Game 4

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    Just an FYI - we missed last weeks game due to baseball obligations (parade, team pictures, and a game). I was told that they won, but I have no idea if that is true or not nor do I know the score. I updated the result on the main page, but I do not know if it is accurate or not.

    This afternoon's soccer game was a rough one for Samantha's team. They only had four players, so they were forced to borrow players from the opposing team throughout the game in order to play a 5 on 5 match. In addition, their best offensive player was absent once again. Finally, the two offensive players that we did have were paired together in goal and on defense for half of the game for some unknown reason. When they were together on offense, we managed to get some good scoring chances but unfortunately no goals. To top it all off, the field was muddy from rain overnight and earlier this morning. Add all of it together and it just wasn't a good day for soccer. The final result was a 5-0 loss.

Game 4

Samantha started out the game in goal. Here she is performing a corner kick. She didn't have her best period in net, giving up a pair of goals to the oppositions best player.

Sam driving towards the net to get a shot of goal.

Sam performing a throw-in.

Sam keeping the ball away from the other team.

Sam deflecting the ball away from the opposition, thwarting a scoring chance.

Sam back on defense once again, trying to steal the ball.

Sam getting a chance to relax a bit playing defense.

Sam doing another throw-in from the sideline.


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