July 18th

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    Here are some of the pictures that Tyler took during his trip to the Washington D.C. area on July 18th...

Tyler's D.C. Trip

Tyler (in the Wheaties shirt) standing with his cousin Adam, who went on the trip along with Jerry & Gail.

Adam and Tyler enjoying a giant blue beverage at the local "Friendly's" restaurant.

Tyler saying "cheers".

Gail in the restaurant.

A building that Tyler passed while riding the 'Tourmobile' through town.

A globe in a flower pot promoting recycling.

A garden sponsored by the USDA.

More sights from the Tourmobile.

Another building spotted while riding the Tourmobile which might possibly be the...

...Freer Gallery of Art.

A sculpture outside the entrance to the art gallery.

Another cool building Tyler spotted while sightseeing.

Tyler liked the car attached to this food cart...

Tyler called this pile of mostly junk a throne because of the chair on top.

A map of Washington D.C.

Tyler, showing off his true love, had to take a picture of this assorted sporting equipment.

A variety of statues.

What boy would want to have this giant tarantula?

A bunch of beetles on display.

And some old fashioned scuba gear.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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