August 7th - Page 2

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After some afternoon post-parade downtime at the campground we made the drive north to the one-time "World's Famous" Williams Inn (I don't know if still is or not... the sign proclaiming that fact is no longer on display) for dinner. After eating a nice perch dinner the kids wanted me to take their picture on some rocks that lined the parking lot. Tyler was the only one who opted against having his picture taken - he preferred to sit in the truck and read his book.

The Williams Inn

Jayden posing on top of one of the rocks.

Another shot of Jay, this time in a slightly more normal pose.

The old shack across the street. Look familiar?

Jay and Samantha, who chose a larger rock to stand on.

Jay and Drew, who is also on the large rock that Sam was on.

Another look at Drew on the rock.

    On our way to the campground after leaving Williams Inn we opted to stop at White Rock Roadside Park so that we could update our yearly photos of the kids on the log. One of these years this log will be gone, but as long as it is here we will continue to utilize it as a prop! Of course I will also remember to take the pictures at an angle that doesn't include the stairs in the background, so that it looks more like a natural setting! Until then, enjoy!

White Rock Roadside Park

Jayden, Samantha, Drew, and Tyler trying to get a drink as Tara tries pumping hard enough to get the water flowing.

Tyler and Rodney standing by as Drew takes his turn trying to pump the water.

Rodney pumping enough water for Tyler to get a drink.

Sam is trying to stay dry (for a change) as the water flows fast enough for Tyler to get a drink, thanks to Rod's hard work pumping.

The famous white rock.

One of the better attempts at a family photo, with Tyler, Samantha, Drew, and Jayden sitting together nicely on the log.

Another look at the kids together on the log.

Jayden's turn for a solo shot.

Miss sassy Jay got another chance for a picture.

Drew's picture alone on the log.

A closer look at Drew.

Samantha wanted a picture standing on the log... addition to the picture of her seated.

Tyler also had to have a standing photo. Here he is as captain of the ship.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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