Due to some crazy busy weekends since Samantha's actual
birthday, we were finally able to hold her "Friend's Birthday" party at Holly
Lanes on Saturday, June 26th. Although she wasn't able to have everybody that
she invited attend her party (one was sick, others were unavailable), the ones
who were able to attend had a great time! In addition to Sam, her friends
Hannah, Cassandra, and two different Shelby's were in attendance. Of course
Tyler, Drew, and Jayden also had to go bowling with them as well (what could be
better than a party with your friends than having your siblings tag along with
you? Thankfully Sam seemed to take it all in stride - I suppose she is used to
it by now). I suppose it didn't matter too much though, as the bowling alley was
completely empty with the exception of the employees and the two lanes that our
party was taking up. The juke box was all ours, and the kids could be as noisy
as they wanted!
Samantha's 9th Birthday Party With Her Friends
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Samantha, Shelby S. and Cassandra talking at the bowling Alley
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Drew watching his ball roll down the lane.
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Tyler trying to impress Hannah with his "gangsta" impression.
She wasn't buying it at all.
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Drew dragging the bowling ramp back to the end of the lane.
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Samantha, Shelby C., Shelby S. and Cassandra dancing to Justin
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The girls spent a lot of time chatting in between bowling.
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Samantha, Shelby S., Cassandra, Shelby C., and Hannah all
talking and having a great time bowling.
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Samantha and Shelby S. watching Cassandra bowl.
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Shelby S. using the bowling ramp.
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Shelby C. watching Shelby S. bowl.
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The girls dancing to music in the lanes. They liked doing this
because the lanes were slippery.
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The group of girls bowling and cheering each other on.
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Samantha with her birthday cake.
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Another picture of Sam with her birthday cake.
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Everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to Sammie.
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Everyone clapping.
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Shelby S. posing for the camera. She is such a funny girl.
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Hannah watching the girls dance and act crazy!
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Samantha holding her birthday "Pin". She was super excited to
get this gift and have everyone who attended her party sign it.
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The girls from the party signing the birthday bowling pin.
Please click here for
page two of the photos |