2nd Half Seeding

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    Tyler's baseball team played in the second half seeding game on June 24th, and I suppose you could say that they came in fourth place (unfortunately, that is out of four teams). Once again the Card's played the Tigers tough before falling to a 4-1 defeat, and once again it was a single big error filled inning that did them in. There were chances to score too, but they weren't taken advantage of - like the bases loaded with nobody out. Tyler didn't see any action in the field, but he tried to cause some at the plate! During his first at-bat Tyler lined a shot down the third base line that probably would have resulted in a double if only it hadn't been caught. The third basemen playing there happened to be a fairly tall 12 year old, and he was able to reach up (high above his head) and snag the ball out of the air. Tyler was disappointed, but I was proud of him. Even though it wasn't technically a hit, I told him that I would count it as half of one since he was pretty much robbed by a great play. That means that I owe him some money...

    It was assumed that this would be the last game of the season, but it has been decided that the teams that didn't win the first or second half (that would be us and the Met's) will play a final game on Monday, June 28th. Hopefully Tyler can close out the season on a strong note, giving him some confidence for next year!

Tyler's Baseball - Second Half Season Seeding Game

Tyler started the game in center field.

He didn't see much action today, fielding only one hit.


Tyler managed to get a good crack at a base hit today (it may have been a double - it would have been right down the line) but the third basemen was tall enough that he was able to reach up and snag it out of the air. It would have been Tyler's best hit of the season by far if it hadn't been caught!


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