July 14th

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    Before we left on our trip, Jayden had been asking to have her training wheels removed. I took them off before we left, and on our first morning at camp she was out and about on two wheels. She had been riding on and off around home without the aid of the training wheels, but they seem to be off for good now.

Mackinaw Mill Creek Campground

Grandpa Gary helping Jayden get started and out into the center of the road.

Grandpa Gary walking alongside Jay, keeping a watchful eye on her.

Jayden cruising along on her own!

Another shot of Jay riding her bike, with Grandpa Gary trailing and Tyler trying to catch up to her.

    Later in the day we rode our bikes 2 1/2 miles down the Midland to Mackinac Trail into Mackinaw City...

Midland to Mackinac Trail

A look at our group riding down the trail towards town.

Another shot of the trail.

    Here are a few shots of us around Mackinaw City after we completed our bike ride in...

Around Mackinaw City...

Tyler on one of the kiddie rides in Mackinaw Crossings.

Drew bouncing around in the ladybug.

Samantha swinging on the turning monkey-bars.

Jayden and Sam on a bouncy bug.

A cool American/Canadian totem pole near one of the shops in the mall.

Tyler checking out Sam and her weird twisty feet outside the Dairy Queen.

Another look at Sam with her feet twisted around.

    After leaving the shopping area of town, we rode our bikes down to Colonial Michilimackinac Park. Tyler and Samantha waded out into the water to swim (Tyler with the kid's phone in his pocket), but Drew and Jayden only walked out a little bit.

Colonial Michilimackinac Park

The Mackinac Bridge as seen from the park.

Tyler laying in the water of Lake Huron with the bridge in the background.

Tyler standing on a rock in front of the Might Mac.

A look across the Straights at Mackinac Island.

Samantha standing on the rock in front of the Mackinac Bridge.

Drew standing in the water with the bridge in the background.

Jayden standing in the water with the bridge in the background.

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