July 16th - Page 6

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    Back on land and all dried off, we assembled on a downed tree to take some more family photos. Here are the results from those efforts...

Lower Tahquamenon Falls

By age, Jayden, Drew, Marissa, Donovan, Samantha, and Tyler.

Another shot of the six cousins sitting on the tree.

Jay, Drew, Sam, and Tyler sitting together.

A family photo, with Tara & Rodney settled in behind the four kids.

Marissa and Donovan sitting together on the tree.

A shot up the river while waiting for the next picture...

Marissa, Donovan, Erica, and Dwayne sitting together for their family photo.

    While Tyler, Samantha, and I were going down the river and traversing the falls, I took our waterproof camera with us to be able to take some pictures from another perspective. There are also a couple of pictures from before our crossing included. Here are some of the results from those efforts...

Lower Tahquamenon Falls (Second Camera)

The kids standing on the trail side of the river: Marissa, Donovan, Tyler, Samantha, Drew, and Jayden

A goofy shot of the kids in the water!

A look at the Tahquamenon River.

Another view of the river.

Tyler and Samantha standing by a strange tree on the banks of the river.

A closer look at the tree curling out of the ground.

A look at some of the rapids in the river.

A view of some of the falls.

Samantha and Drew sitting on a log laying in the water.

A look at some of the smaller waterfalls...

...and some of the bigger falls.

Tyler and Samantha climbing up some nicely formed rock "steps."

Sam and Tyler sitting on the edge of the falls.

Please click here for page seven of the photos


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