Allen Family - Page 2

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Here are the remaining pictures from the Allen Family Christmas celebration...

Allen Family Christmas

Like Drew, Tyler also got a t-shirt with his name on it from Grandpa Jerry & Grandma Gail.

Samantha also got a t-shirt with her name on it from Grandpa Jerry & Grandma Gail.

Drew liked this autographed hat that he got from his Aunt Amy.

Sammie got a big set of tattoos to wear.

Here is Jayden opening one of her gifts as Tara looks on.

Drew bought his Grandma Gail these little birds that sit on the edge of a potted plant at his school holiday shop.

Grandpa Jerry got this screwdriver set that Drew bought at the school holiday shop.

Jay got a necklace and earring set from Great-Grandpa as well.

Although Jay wasn't initially thrilled with the game that Uncle Scott got her, she was more pleased once she realized what it was.

Jayden received a t-shirt with her name on it similar to the one Sam got from Grandpa Jerry & Grandma Gail.


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