Christmas - Page 5

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    Here are some of the last few photos of the kids opening the gifts from Tara & I, as well as some pictures of the gifts that Samantha and Drew bought for the family at their school holiday shop.

Christmas Morning

Jayden got another Barbie. This one allows for her hair to be dyed along with the dolls.

Tyler's next present was another pair of Hollister sweatpants...

...which he proudly displayed.

Sam also got the Epic Mickey game of the Wii, which she has enjoyed so far.

Drew, out of presents of his own, got the honor of opening the family's gift to Tinkerbell - a water dish.

Tyler was the last of the kids to open up a new set of gloves.

Sam got some new soft socks, just like Jayden.

Tyler got a hat that matches up well with his winter coat.

Sam was happy with her new Hollister sweatshirt...

...and Tyler was happy with his new Hollister polo shirt.

Drew was thinking of Tyler's favorite hobby when he picked out these fishing lures for him.

Sam bought Drew this bottle of cologne.

Sam gave Jayden this Little Sister necklace (and she got to keep the Big Sister half of the heart for herself).

Drew was pleased with the gift he bought for Sam - a new ring.

Drew picked out this Michigan license plate for Tyler. It is now proudly on display on their bedroom wall.

Drew bought Jayden this nice Hello Kitty art set.

Tara got a nice "Love" picture frame from Drew...

...and a back massager from Samantha.

Rodney got a Michigan sign to hang on the basement wall from Drew.

Tara & I got this electric blanket from the kids (with the help of us, of course!).

Please click here for page six of the photos


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