Santa Claus

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    After weeks of trying to fit it into our busy schedule, we finally managed to make it to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa Claus on December 18th. We entered the mall at the movie theater, as the parking lots were extremely packed, as was the entire mall. On our way through the theater lobby we came across Alvin, Simon, and Theodor from the Chipmunks. Of course the kids wanted to have their picture taken with them... We eventually managed to make it through the line to see Santa Claus, and the kids were pleased that they finally got their chance to see him this year. Now they just have to wait to see if he brings them everything that they want!

Santa Claus Visit

Samantha, Jayden, Drew, and Tyler with the Chipmunks on the way into the mall.

Some live ducks in the pond area inside Bass Pro Shop.

Drew, Jay, and Sam posing with a snowman at the North Pole.

Samantha, Drew, Jayden, and Tyler with Santa Claus.


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