Drew's Field Day

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    On Monday, June 6th, Drew's school (grades K-3, anyway) held their annual field day. Thankfully the weather was very nice for today's activities, as the previously scheduled day wound up being rained out. Drew did very well in a majority of the events, but his team was blessed with a couple of girls who seemed to prefer to walk through the races as opposed to running, but overall he had a lot of fun, which is what is most important anyway.

Drew's School Field Day

Drew crouching down during his first limbo attempt. He got knocked out on his second attempt.

Drew listening to directions to the soccer relay.

Drew dribbling the ball during the soccer relay.

Drew carrying the ball on the spoon during another relay race. Drew moved pretty quickly, and didn't drop the ball once!

Another look at Drew with the ball on the spoon.

Drew lined up for the 50 yard dash event.

Drew running as hard as he can!

Drew carrying a full cup of water during the water relay race.

Drew steadying the jug that his classmate is filling up.

Another look at Drew with a cup of water.

Drew jump-roping (backwards!) to start the obstacle course race.

Drew coming down the slide on the obstacle course.

Drew running between obstacles.

A close-up look at Drew running towards the finish line.

A close-up look at Drew performing the bean bag toss.

Drew was the yellow bags... 2 out of 5 in the circle.

Drew off during the relay race...

...huffing and puffing as best as he can...

...before handing off the baton to a teammate.

Drew hopping along during the sack race.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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