Drew's School Birthday

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    Drew wanted to take a treat in to his class to celebrate his 6th birthday with them. Drew chose to take a cookie sandwich "cake" in, and his Mom and little sister Jayden obliged by bringing it in during his class time. After having "Happy Birthday" sung to him, the entire class sat down to enjoy their cookie. He was grinning ear to ear through the entire experience!

Drew's 6th Birthday - School Party

Drew got to stand in front of the class while having "Happy Birthday" to him.

Drew's class listening to the teacher talk.

Drew returning to his seat to eat the cookie "cake" that he brought to share with his classmates.

Drew chowing down!

A look at Drew and his classmates enjoying their cookie.

Another picture of Drew and his classmates enjoying their cookies.

Drew's classmates working on their puzzles.

Drew doing a puzzle in his room.

Drew and his friends working on puzzles.


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