Samantha and the rest of the girls on the La Forza White
Ice played in their first tournament game of the season on Friday, August 26th.
The game was a little easier than either Tara or I expected, as they went on to
win 10-0 against the Michigan Alliance 01 Silver, one of the host teams. The
scoring was spread around pretty evenly, as was playing time and positions. Sam
even scored her first goal of the season, although I was too busy watching and
cheering to actually take a picture! Sam spend the majority of her time playing
midfield, although she did play some defense too.
vs. Michigan Alliance 01 Silver
Samantha chasing an opponent (and the ball) into the corner of
the field.
Sam attempting to steal the ball from her opponent.
Sam watching her teammates as the ball comes to one of them.
Sam chasing the ball down between two members of the opposition.
Sam racing towards the ball.
Sammie getting position in front of the net in case there is a
rebound available.
Sam knocking the ball away from an opponent.
Sam dribbling the ball away from an opponent.
Sam trying to get the ball from these two girls.
Sam driving towards the net, looking for a score.
Sam trying to get back to a rebounded ball to try and score.