Tyler's Fireworks

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    Tyler went to a birthday party a few weeks back, and one of the parents brought along some small fireworks for the kids to set off. I'm not exactly sure how, nor am I sure I want to know how, but Tyler ended up bringing a few of these fireworks home with him. He has been begging to set them off nearly every day since then. It was especially painful for him on the 4th, knowing that these fireworks were going unused. He finally convinced his mother to allow him to set them off after Samantha and Drew's baseball practice on July 5th. Within minutes of being done, he asked me if I had them on the website yet. Not yet, but I am trying son... Here they are, just for you!

Tyler's Fireworks

Tyler backing out of the way after lighting a bottle rocket.

Tyler standing back as a small sparkler type firework goes off in the grass. As dry as the grass is, he's lucky he didn't start a fire!

Tyler watching another sparkler firework go off.

Tyler throwing a noisemaker after lighting it.

Tyler was especially proud of his shuffling of the feet from this photo... learned during those hot fall days at football practice.

Tyler liked this shot of the bottle rocket in the air.

One last shot, this time of Tyler admiring his handiwork.


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