We posed for a few pictures after the race before
attempting to get cleaned up. While there was a "shower" (in the form
of a tanker truck) provided for us to
clean off in, it was ice cold water that took our breath away. Ice cold water
that was colder than the water we were given to drink either at the halfway
point or at the finish line, by the way. Neither Tara
or I could manage to stay in the water long enough to get clean. We eventually made our way back to the van to
wipe off with a towel and change our clothes. We walked back in the staging area
to donate our muddy shoes, but we both really wanted a shower more than we
wanted to hang around with a gigantic group of strangers, so we were off. Enjoy
the pictures!
Pre-Dash Sights
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Rodney & Tara standing near a Warrior Dash logo on a fence.
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Another shot of Rod & Tara.
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Since we were already muddy, why not a hug?
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Rod & Tara posing for a picture.
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This water truck was provided to clean off in, but the water was
ice cold!
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Somewhere in this pile is our shoes... to be cleaned up and
Once we got home we checked the race results... not too
impressive. My one regret is not signing up for two races - one to push myself
to see where I could have finished, and another to do the Dash with Tara. Next
year that is the plan. Looking through the results, we were beat by an 83 year
old lady, a 92 year old lady, and a pregnant lady! We are now on notice for next
year, with 12 months to train!
Warrior Dash Results
Rodney & Tara placed side by side in the overall rankings,
finishing at 10,213 and 10,214 out of 10,527 Warriors.
Rodney finished 1,029 our of 1,048.
Tara finished 823 out of 879.
This is the group that made it sink in just how poorly we did...
beat by two much older ladies... a 92 year old and an 83 year old!
Remember the picture of the pregnant lady? Yeah, she beat us