After Jayden's birthday party on December 16th we headed
to Bronner's CHRISTmas Wonderland with Thad & Melissa, Tania, and all of the
kids. This is the second year that we have made the trek to Frankenmuth for this
holiday shopping trip, and so far everyone seems to really enjoy it.
Like last year we gathered for a big group photo of all of
the kids before heading off throughout the giant store with our individual
families. We wandered through the store for quite some time, each picking out an
ornament that meant something special to each of us (except Tara - she chose an
ornament dedicated to Tinkerbell). We all met back up again at the checkout
before heading back out on the road.
We stopped at Culver's for dinner, just as we did last
year. This time around the restaurant was going to be closing soon for their
Christmas party, but we managed to get our order in before it was too late. We
even sat at the same tables to eat as we did last year. When we had finished
eating we headed back out to our respective cars to make the drive to our own
home, calling it a night.
Bronner's CHRISTmas Wonderland
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The entrance to Bronner's, with the nativity scene set up in
front of the building.
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Outside of the entrance was an area set up for their guests to
watch the Detroit Lions game (they got crushed by the Arizona
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Jayden took a moment to look in the giant telescope located in
the lobby.
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Samantha was fearful of being sat on by Santa Claus!
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Jay didn't seem to worried about Santa crushing her with his
giant bottom.
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All of the kids in our visiting group: Taren, Ben, Tevin, Drew,
Tyler, Samantha, Nick, Jayden, Elizabeth, and Hannah. Erin was with
our group as well, but she refused to join the rest of the kids for
this picture.
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Sam and Jay were excited to be walking though the store,
browsing all of the Christmas displays.
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Drew, Tyler, Jayden, and Samantha posing for a picture in
one of the displays inside the store.
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The front of the store lit up as we left at night.
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We were greeted by "carolers" in the parking lot.