Welcome to the page where you can find all of the pictures for Jayden's
various birthday celebrations this year. Being on second shift and having a jam
packed schedule has resulted in some party planning nightmares, but we are
fitting them all in. Enjoy!
School Party - Click here to see Jayden celebrating her birthday with
her classmates.
Celebration at Home - Follow this link to see Jayden celebrating at home
with her family on her birthday.
Robinson's - Go here to see Jayden open her present from Dwayne, Erica,
Donovan, and Marissa on December 15th.
Bowling Party - This page contains the pictures from Jayden's birthday
party at Galaxy Lanes on December 16th.
Grandpa & Grandma Peters - Follow this link for pictures of the items
that Jayden bought with the money she got for her birthday.