Samantha's Snow Show

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Normally the elementary school holds their school musical around the Christmas holiday, but with the budget situation the schools are now forced to share a music teacher. For Samantha and Drew's school that meant that their musical was pushed back into February, and was named the Snow Show. This wasn't the best year for a show called Snow Show, but the music was entertaining and the kids really did a great job. The show consisted primarily of second and fifth graders. Sam had a part on the main stage as a guitar playing snowman maker. The rest of the show was spent in the chorus singing her heart out. She did a great job, and we are so proud of her!

Snow Show

Samantha on stage with her snowman.

Another shot of Sam singing on stage.

One more picture of Sam singing on stage.

Sammie rocking out with her air guitar - literally an inflatable guitar!

Sam on the riser singing the chorus.

Drew sitting in the crowd taking videos of his big sister on his iPod.

Sam performing during one of the songs.


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