August 31st

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August 31st, 2013              

    After arriving late in the evening on Friday, August 30th, we unpacked the Enclave and headed inside. We managed to sleep in on Saturday morning, showing the effects of several long work weeks in a row for Tara & I. Today was pretty much a lazy day spent hanging around the campground, aside from a quick trip into town for Drew's bathing suit (that we forgot to pack, not him) and some miscellaneous grocery items. The kids passed time riding bikes and swimming in the pool (thankfully heated), while I went for one last run before the Bridge Run on Monday morning. Later in the evening we attempted to get a campfire going, albeit without much success, thanks to the typically fresh campfire wood that you have to buy when camping. Here are a few pictures from our day...

St. Ignace KOA

A look at Dad & Mom's camper set up, along with the kids bikes and our Enclave.

Our truck (driven by Dad & Mom for the weekend) had to squeeze in next to us. It was a tight fit all around for the camper and vehicles.

The tonneau cover couldn't be rolled out on the truck because the tree branches hung down into the bed. In fact, the tailgate had to be lowered in order to pull in and out of the parking spot.

Gary, Tyler, and Steven hanging around the campsite while waiting to get dinner started.

Jasper enjoyed the outside time while camping.

Tara, Jayden, Samantha, Drew, Tyler, and Steve hanging around the campfire later in the evening.

The kids being silly for the camera.

Jay and Sam acting goofy.

Tara watching as Jay and Sam continue their silly poses.

Tyler and Steve sitting for a picture.

Drew sitting for his silly shot.

Jay posing for a picture.

Sam chilling for this photo.

Tara was obviously thrilled to have her photo taken tonight!

Drew with another goofy photo.

Rodney posing for a picture.

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