Cedar Point

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July 24th, 2013              

    Thanks to some lucky timing on my part I was able to secure 4 tickets to Cedar Point for free using my "Coke Rewards" points (well, two of the tickets required the use of points, the other two were completely free thanks to a limited time give-away that I managed to time just right). We decided that the perfect time to use the tickets would be during Carlos' visit. Before his visit we asked him if an amusement park would be something that he would be interested in, and he said that he like thrill rides. We took this as a green light to go. Tara & I took the day off on Wednesday, July 24th, in the hopes that the park would be less crowded (it likely was, although the lines were still long) and we took Tyler, Samantha, and Carlos with us.

    We arrived later than I had hoped, about 10:30am, and entered the park. It was cool and cloudy this morning, so we kept on our sweatshirts as we entered the park. We made our way up the midway, trying to decide which roller coaster would be our first ride of the day. I attempted to make Top Thrill Dragster the first ride because the line was relatively short, but Tyler wasn't interested in doing that first thing, so we moved on. The kids finally settled on the Magnum XL200, and we got in line. Everyone enjoyed the ride - except Carlos. He appeared to be very near puking more than once as the ups and downs became too much for him. He didn't allow this one ride to ruin his day, however, and he did attempt a couple of other roller coasters (the Gemini next, followed by the Iron Dragon and the Blue Streak). I don't think that any of these were really his cup of tea, however.

    Speaking of the Gemini... I had an interesting experience there myself. As we approached the big hill, I was in the blue car while Tara, Tyler, Sam, and Carlos were in the red car. I snapped a photo of the four of them and put my camera away safely in my pocket. As we began the climb up the hill, my car stopped while the red one continued upward. I didn't think too much of it until a worker appeared on the ramp to my right, saying "I gotta have it." I handed over my camera, and once he returned to his station we finished the ride. He returned my camera once we returned to the station. Only then did I hear the announcement - "as a reminder" - that there is no camera or cell phone use allowed on the rides. Sure... now you tell me! Oh well. Lesson learned. I didn't take any more pictures while on the ride today, so everything else was taken as we wandered the park or while we waited in line.

    We packed a lunch today, so we left the park briefly to eat at the car (there was no way we could afford to eat inside the park - not when a chicken strip basket costs $11.99, without a drink. I could get a whole meal combo for $5 at DQ!). It was warming up at this point, so we left our sweatshirts behind when we returned to the park. After lunch the boys headed out on their own while Tara, Sam, and I stuck together. We rode a few rides, waited in line for one that we had to get out of line due to a bathroom need (Sam!), and waited in line for one that we had to get out of line due to a ride malfunction. We met back up later on and got on a few more rides. Once darkness settled in we began to feel the effects of our long day. We made a stop in one of the stores to stock up on souvenirs (for us, for Carlos, and for his Dad) before making our way out of the park.

    I think that we all had a great time today, even though we didn't get to ride as many rides as I would have liked. We each managed to find something that we enjoyed to ride, and the price was certainly right (thanks Coke!). Although we won't have Carlos with us next year, I am sure that at least some of us will be back again!

Cedar Point 2013

Carlos, Tyler, and Samantha waking up from the long car ride to Cedar Point.

Sam, Tyler, Tara, and Carlos going up the first hill on the Magnum XL200.

A look at the first hill of the Magnum after our ride was complete.

The Top Thrill Dragster.

Tyler, Sam, Carlos, and Tara posing for the picture that got Rodney in trouble! The worst part? It isn't even a good picture... it's blurry!

Sam, Tara, Tyler, and Carlos waving from the Mine Ride.

Tyler, Carlos, and Sam posing for a picture.

On our way out to the parking lot, Samantha spotted this car. She is dying to do this on a car of her own.

A look at the Gatekeeper from in line.

A look at the Gatekeeper making it's way up the first hill.

The Cedar Point flowers as seen from the Sky Ride.

A look towards the front of the park from the Sky Ride.

The Raptor ride was closed for much of our stay in the park, and when it was running the lines were very long.

A look at Windseeker and Wicked Twister, as seen from the Sky Ride.

The Coasters Drive In restaurant at the foot of the Sky Ride.

Tyler, Carlos, and Tara are riding in the second-to-last car on Iron Dragon.

Carlos, Tara, Tyler, and Samantha making their way through the park.

Tyler and Carlos sitting down for an afternoon snack.

Samantha took this photo of Tara, who was thrilled to have her picture taken.

Sam dancing around while waiting to head to the next ride.

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