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December 14th, 2013              

    After a busy day of activities (first Christmas with my parents, then Drew's hockey game in Bloomfield Hills) we decided to stop at the Great Lakes Crossing mall on our way home so that the kids could see Santa Claus. Jayden had opportunities to see him yesterday during her field trip to Crossroads Village, but she was holding out for the "Santa at the place with the fishies" - also known as Bass Pro Shop. We have gone here several times in the past, so this is the Santa that she is most comfortable with. The nice thing about Bass Pro Shop is that they will give you a free picture, even if you don't order a package. Plus, they have some great activities for the kids to partake in while waiting to see Santa!

Santa Claus at Bass Pro Shop

Samantha, Jayden, Drew, and Tyler with Santa Claus.

Another shot of the kids with Santa.

Tyler and Jayden riding the carousel.

Sam and Tyler on the carousel.

Another shot of Tyler and Sam.

Drew riding a reindeer on the carousel.

Sam, Tyler, and Jay.

Drew preparing to shoot the ducks at the shooting gallery.

Tyler and Drew taking aim at the ducks.

Another shot of Tyler firing at the ducks.

Jayden and Samantha (in the corner, behind the netting) in the "Snow Brawl" area.

Sam throwing a snowball at Jay.

A look at Sam in the "Snow Brawl" area.

Jay preparing to bomb Sam with snow balls.

Drew driving a remote control truck.

Tyler, Jayden, Samantha, and Drew posing with a snowman.

Tyler with the snowman.

Tyler, Jay, Drew, and Sam with a reindeer.

The official Bass Pro Shop photo.

A closer look at the photo of Samantha, Jayden, Drew, and Tyler with Santa Claus.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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