Game 14 - at Redford Royals
Drew moving into position to knock the puck out of the zone.
Drew in front of the net, looking for a pass or a rebound.
Drew going down while trying to make a play on the puck.
Drew chasing after an opponent with the puck along the boards.
Drew trying to knock the puck away along the boards.
Drew using his stick to poke at the puck while on the ground.
Drew pushing along the boards while trying to gain possession of
the puck.
Drew tried his best to get between two opposing players.
Drew trying to knock down a pass from an opponent.
Drew chasing after the puck.
Drew knocking the puck away from his opponent.
Drew skating towards the net with the puck...
...and firing off a shot.
Drew skating towards the corner while looking for the puck.
Drew doing his best to get the puck out of his zone.
Drew skating towards the net with the puck once again.
Drew circling around during a break in the action.
Drew skating along the boards.
The final score on the board read 5-2, despite allowing 11
Drew and his teammates going through the handshake line.