Jayden's Field Trip

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December 13th, 2013              

    Jayden's class took a field trip to Crossroads Village on Friday, December 13th. Despite the snow and cold temperatures, the kids seemed to have a lot of fun. The Ferris wheel and the merry-go-round were two of the favorites, as was the train (although Jay said it was too slow). Tara was able to go along as a chaperone today, so I have to thank her for the pictures (even though some of them aren't the best - the color setting was last used for an indoor sporting event, not ideal for outdoor pictures).

Crossroads Village & Huckleberry Railroad

Jayden (far left) and a couple of her classmates making snow angels.

Jay getting up out of her snow angel.

Jay and her friends riding the Ferris wheel.

Another shot of Jay and her friends on the Ferris wheel.

Jay laughing as she comes down the steps from the Ferris wheel.

Jayden and friends waiting to ride the merry-go-round.

Jay on the merry-go-round.

Another shot of Jayden as she rides the merry-go-round.

Jay waving as she approaches.

Jay posing for a picture on a trail.

Jay working on a craft project.

Another look at Jay working on one of her craft projects.

Jayden coloring a candy cane.

A closer look at Jay's gingerbread man and candy cane craft projects.

Jayden and her friends in front of a big Christmas tree.

This was as close to Santa Claus as Jay wanted to get at Crossroads Village...

Tara posing for a self portrait after possibly making the Channel 25 news.

A look at the train the kids were about to ride.

Jay and her friends on the train.

A closer look at Jay on the train.

Jayden settling in for lunch.

Once again Jay found time to play in the snow!


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