New Year's Eve

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December 31st, 2013              

    After hosting New Year's Eve at our house for the past several years we had our hosting duties relieved by our friends Brian & Colleen this year. That gave Tara & I a chance to relax and enjoy the evening and the kids the opportunity to not have their rooms destroyed! We had a great time, with lots of food and drinks for everyone. The kids got to make hats to wear at midnight, as well as go ice skating and sledding. The adults got an opportunity to sit down and enjoy a game of "Cards Against Humanity", which was a riot in itself. It is incredibly hard to believe that another year is gone, though. Where does the time fly?

    The pictures below are from the kids time on the ice...

New Year's Eve Celebration - Ice Skating

Drew ready to skate while Ben and Nick wait to get their skates on.

Jayden and Samantha ready to have fun.

Tyler in his faceoff pose.

Jay striking a pose!

Drew racing across the ice.

Jay and Dani waiting to get their skates on.

Sam skating across the rink.

Sam skating once again.

Jay and Tyler having fun on the ice.

Jayden skating!

Erin and Jayden taking a break from skating to pose for a picture.

A look at the kids having fun on the pond.

The kids lining up for their relay races - two teams of four against Drew.

Drew speeding along the ice during the relay race.

Jayden and Jessica racing against each other.

Drew making another lap (he had to do 2 laps for each of the younger members on the other teams and 1 lap for the older members - meaning a total of 7 laps versus their 4).

Sam skating back to the start line during the relay race.

Tyler and Drew on a collision course...

...and recovering to race back to the starting line.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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