Game 1

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August 24th, 2013              

    The latest version of the La Forza U13 White team kicked off their season in Midland at the Fusion Invitational Tournament on Saturday, August 24th. This tournament represented not only their first games played together as a team, but also their first game on a full size soccer field, playing 11v11. In the past the (majority of the) girls played on a slightly smaller field with 8 players per side.

    Because there is only one goal keeper on the White team, Samantha was forced to play in net for the first 2 games of the tournament. Considering her lack of practice there over the summer, I feel like she held her own today. She has room for improvement, but the coaches are looking at these games as a sort of preseason anyway, so it is a good time to get acclimated to being in net. This morning's game took place at 10:30am, and it looked as though the girls were prepared to take on the challenge of playing on the bigger field with more players on it. They held a 1-0 lead at halftime, but their defense struggled in the second half. They managed to give up a couple of 2-1 breaks, and it cost them on one occasion as Sam was caught slightly out of position, allowing the game tying goal. Thankfully they managed to keep it that way, and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.

Game 1 - vs. Midland Fusion 02 Green

Samantha standing outside of the net as she watches the action unfold down the field.

Sam tracking the opposing player as she dribbles the ball towards the net.

Sam moving over to...

...make the save...

...while avoiding being ran over by the opposing player.

Sam kicking the ball away from her own net.

Sam rolling the ball out to a teammate.

Sam kicking the ball down the field.

Samantha making a save as the opposing player...

...continues running right over the top of Sam...

...bending her in half... both players...

...tumble... the ground.

Sam survived and made the save, kicking it away once she regained her footing.

Sam kicking the ball away as the opposition nears.

Sam getting ready to drop kick the ball...

...and send it soaring towards midfield.


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