Game 2 - at Sault Civics U13 Girls White
Samantha and her teammates getting some last minute direction
from their coach before the game.
Sam watching the action in the corner of the field.
Sam reaching up to make a save.
Sam getting ready to kick the ball to the corner.
Sam reaching down to make a save.
Samantha rolling the ball out to a teammate.
Sam sprawled out to deflect this ball out of bounds.
Sam watching as the ball sails wide of the net.
Sam moving up to kick the ball downfield to her teammates.
Sam kicking the ball away.
Sam looking on at the players downfield.
Sam kicking the ball away once again.
Sam getting ready to scoop up the ball.
Sam bobbled the ball a bit before finally securing it.
Sam kicking the ball away once again.
Sam didn't have a chance to grab this ball, so she kicked it
away from the crowd instead.
Sam with the ball after making a save.
Sam reaching up for the ball.
Sam grabbing another ball high in the air.
Sam getting ready to kick the ball down the field once more.